My family 💕😘 this weather WTAE- Pittsburgh action news 4 my favorite weather they let you know when hail and lighting near they protect you from dangerous storm's God bless you weather lady and gentle men today and for ever God bless you staff in the office I like the News like the background good 👍 work I like the color my favorite News I'm glad to have it on my Smart phone 📱I'm happy this News can save your life from dangerous storm's thank you 🫂 God bless America 🙏🇱🇷 from Kathy May
The app is what you'd expect, but the "nowcast" is unfortunately glitching so I cannot cast to my TV. You'll have to watch the now cast on your phone screen.
WTAE I think was always the best news
2 thumbs up best News going 👍 👌 👏 🙌 😀
It's good 2 see & hear news from local area, must stay Informed, thank you... 😃
Downloaded app then realized these are the woke people who fired Wendy Bell. Uninstalled.
Love it
Immediately violates trust. It takes you through a notification setup process and within the first 5 minutes I received a notification that I didn't approve. Uninstalled.
It's a great 😃 👍 app
Want to stream it to regular tv screens